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R$ 6.999,72
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Características SAMSUNG GALAXY Z FOLD4
Tamanho7.6 "
Capacidade1000 GB
Capacidade4400 mAh
O Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 é um smartphone que combina tecnologia de ponta e design inovador. Equipado com uma memória RAM de 12 GB, ele oferece um desempeho robusto que pode lidar com várias tarefas ao mesmo tempo sem perder a fluidez. As características da câmera são boas, permitindo capturar imagens nítidas e vibrantes.
O dispositivo possui uma bateria de 4400 mAh, que garante uma autonomia satisfatória para o uso diário. Sua capacidade de armazenamento é impressionante, chegando a 1000 GB, o que o torna muito bom para armazenar uma vasta quantidade de dados e aplicativos sem preocupações com espaço.
O display do Galaxy Z Fold4 é uma peça chave, oferecendo boa qualidade visual que se destaca tanto no uso diário quanto em mídias que exigem maior resolução e detalhes.
O design do aparelho é bem avaliado, com uma estética moderna e funcionalidades que ressaltam a conveniência, como o carregamento sem fio. Além disso, o dispositivo é compatível com tecnologia NFC e oferece suporte à rede 5G, garantindo conectividade rápida e eficiente para navegação e download.
Histórico de preços
R$ 6.999,72
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Mercadolibre usuario
Eu achei meu producto muito bom,mais agora nao quer pegar wifi.
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Vale o investimento, mudança de padrões com este telefone. Muito útil e prático.
Excelente celular, con mínimos detalles
Considero que es un excelente celular y que puedes hacer muchas cosas con el, tiene buenas pantallas, y en la productividad es excelente, sus cámaras no son las mejores pero son bastante buenas, de batería mantiene una buena duración, también es bastante resistente y tiene un buen procesador
dont buy fold. just after 3-4 months there were display problems. company didnot respond because its warranty for 3 months only. if display problem araises.. you have to pay 60k. better go for any other model except fold series.
Hans Paternotte
Kostbare kwetsbare prul met een beroerde garantie.
Na een Fold 3 waarvan binnen een jaar de display los liet vol verwachting een Fold 4 gekocht. Volgens Samsung stof en spatwaterdicht. Binnen drie maanden na aankoop zand in het scharnier. Ik had mijn broekzak na een bezoek aan het strand niet helemaal uitgeklopt. Direct bij openen pixelstoringen in het display. Samsung NL wilde geen garantie geven omdat men stelde dat het toestel zou zijn gevallen wat absoluut niet het geval was en ook nergens waarneembaar. Samsung Tsjechië heeft hierna het toestel wel onder garantie gerepareerd en niets vermeld over een vermeende val. Echter nu, naar zes maanden, zelfde probleem. weer zand in het scharnier en pixel uitval. Ik ga niet meer terug naar Samsung want ik hoor al weer dezelfde aanname. Nooit meer een Fold en ook nooit meer een Samsung. Kostbare kwetsbare prul. Overigens heeft een vriend van mij die tegelijk met mij de Fold 4 kocht precies hetzelfde probleem. Ook met de accu van de Fold 4 kom je met moeite de dag door.
I had bought Samsung galaxy Z fold 4 in January last year and it worked very well and was useful for 1st year. Then 3 months after expiry of my phone's manufacturer warranty, one day the WiFi stopped working. I looked for online help and realised it's a hardware issue. Then I headed to Samsung galaxy store. After explaining the issue briefly, the attendant smiled and replied, It will take at least one week and AED 1650 to fix the issue. This is more than 1/4th of original phone cost. I decided not to repair it until I have a spare phone. In the following week the display started flickering. Then one days I realised second SIM slot was not working and later on even the first SIM slot stopped working. Next day the front camera stopped working and few hours later the front display stopped working. The only way to use the phone was through big internal screen which also stopped working next day. Now this phone is absolutely useless with all my data not backed up because of WiFi and SIM slot issue...
When I asked for quotation from other mobile phone service centers they said this issue is very common and the screen costs a bomb with which all the other parts are connected and repairing the phone is impractical because of exorbitant costs.
When I shared this with my colleagues they advised me to put this experience in public forum for awareness. And hence this long post. Thanks for reading and avoid buying into this primitive technology.
"The aspect ratio went from 25:9 to 23.1:9.
As those numbers strongly imply, the problem is that it's less tall by only a teeny tiny amount, and so the issue with typing on the outer screen remains"
🤦 ... What an utterly crap, absolutely nonsensical take... 😑 While a +3mm increase in display width doesn't sound like much in absolute terms, it most definitely WAS in relative terms as that's a SIGNIFICANT difference in aspect ratio! It basically cut the gap between it and a reasonably normal, ala Z Flip's, ≈22:9 aspect ratio practically in HALF!!! And the difference in day-to-day usability on that front display was legit dramatic! (I've owned & used both a Fold 3 & 4 for long periods of time.)
This is literally like saying a modern ≈19:9 phone and an old-school ≈16:9 phone's display shapes are "different by only a teeny tiny amount"... 🤦 ... 😑
Also, making the front screen even wider will turn the internal tablet display into an awful SQUARE that's garbage for BOTH watching widescreen media in landscape and scrolling through modern vertical app feeds & webpages in portrait!
That's is actually the exact problem that the OnePlus Open has. Thanks to that "normal sized/width" 20:9 front display, despite it having a SIGNIFICANTLY larger tablet display in total area, the viewable 16:9 media area on it is actually slightly SMALLER than on a Fold 4/5 simply because the screen is so ridiculously freaking square!!! (≈9:8 vs Fold 4/5's ≈6:5)
"The Galaxy Z Fold4 has a main camera similar to that employed by the Galaxy S22 line, although with less sophisticated autofocusing"
🤦😑 Stop it, and do better. Because you guys have had this inaccurate point completely backwards LITERALLY since the original review!!! It's the ISOCELL GN3 in the Fold 4 that's the newer & better version of this sensor family, NOT the older GN5 from the S22 lineup! There's a reason Samsung has reused the GN3 in EVERY, SINGLE flagship they've released since right up to this very day (S23, Fold 5, S24, & even rumored to still be in the S25 as well!) and NOT the S22's GN5!
If the GN5 really does have Dual Pixel Pro and the newer GN3 doesn't that means Samsung decided it was either not worth using or actively inferior to the older Dual Pixel system. Either that, or you guys just got this backwards too and the GN3's the one w/ Dual Pixel Pro support... Honestly, with your guy's track record as exhibited up above, my guess is on the latter. 🤷
"The flexible layer above the OLED pixels is still only sort of glass as far as our understanding goes, even though Samsung and the product's (most likely) supplier Schott call it UTG (Ultra-Thin Glass)."
🤦😑 Schott and soon Corning's UTG folding glass is not just "only sort of glass", it literally IS GLASS!!!! Straight up. End of story. Stop spreading misleading bulls**t misinformation please!
Just because a sheet of glass is manufactured to be so ridiculously freaking thin (specifically just 30 microns in this case) that it's flexible enough to be able to almost bend in half, DOESN'T SUDDENLY MAKE IT NOT GLASS ANYMORE!!! And the same exact thing applies to putting one or more plastic protective layers on it. You don't suddenly consider normal slab phones with plastic screen protectors on them to "no longer have glass displays" just because your finger isn't directly touching glass, do you??? O_o
No matter how thin it is, or how many layers of plastic is put on top of it, glass is still glass, is still glass. Whether something is made of glass or not has absolutely NOTHING to do with its strength/durability. It has to do with the object's material science chemistry. And UTG folding glass is most definitely made out of ACTUAL, REAL GLASS!!! And this is why it actually feels like glass under the finger! Go try an ACTUALLY plastic display like an OG Fold 1 or the 2019-2020 RAZR and the difference in finger feel and consistency will be STARKLY apparent. 🤷